in easy playing comfort and tone response creates the perfect value. (Take an electric guitar on a camping trip. Oscar Schmidt by Washburn OE30 Delta King Semi Hollow Electric Guitar Classic 335. Fender Squier with Internal Amplifier and Speaker. But the idea is to raise money, so I’ll keep them if the offers are too low. I have little idea how much these items are worth, so I’ll start off by offering them as is for you to make offers on. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Oscar Schmidt by Washburn Delta King Oe30 6 String Guitar in Case at the best online prices at. Most of the time I would rather just give things away to my friends, so I’m not a good haggler.

As I said, I just want a reasonable price. I’m not out to make an enormous killing, just to get a reasonable price, but giving the stuff away at next-to-nothing would defeat the object. I’m not a dealer, just someone who has more instruments than I need, and I want to make them available to my Steel Guitar buddies before I offer them for sale elsewhere. This is a beautiful looking and sounding resonator guitar. Had Washburn put a little more effort into the neck design they could have had a real winner. R15r Oscar Schmidt Washburn Resonator Guitar With F Holes Flawless Reso Delta Blues (43.6 similar) It is the model r15r. Because I mainly play lead this guitar is displayed in the bedroom because it matches the furniture nicely. This is a shame because all the good points of this guitar are mired by severe neck problems. The OE30 is perfect for rock, jazz & blues and is an oustanding value for anyone looking for a hollowbody instrument.

Minor flaws like none matching wood grains and fret detailing can be lived with.īecause of the neck problems on this guitar I have lowered the action to where it is comfortably played and have relegated its use for rhythm guitar work, never moving above the 12th fret do to buzzing.

Music Corporation, a subsidiary of corporate.
Similarly, serial number 09050112 indicates the 112th guitar made during May 2009. Oscar Schmidt was a musical instrument manufacturing company established in 1871 and currently a brand of U.S. Music, A Division of JAM Industries, LTD.
Beginning around 1945 these serial numbers allow us to date the instrument. The Oscar Schmidt Delta King OE30 is a Gibson 335 style Semi-Hollow Electric Guitar. The electronics perform well and things feel solid. Oscar schmidt serial numbers where do I find it. To compound the problem the neck is set so far into the body of the guitar that many of the higher fretboard notes are just not reachable. Admittedly, I don't like flat fretboards like this one but the action cannot be lowered to an acceptable low level without buzzing somewhere in the higher ranges of the fretboard. The Oscar Schmidt Delta Blues is an excellent, affordable instrument that will let any beginner start playing the blues Guitar Specs Shipping Weight: 10.65 pounds Shipping Dimensions: 41.4X14.4X5.2 Scale Length: 23. This guitar has the worst neck and action I have ever played on. Other than minor flaws expected on a guitar in this price range this tobacco sunburst guitar looks very vintage and very pleasing to the eye. and the Grover tuners do a fine job of keeping things in tune. lol I do still have an interest in the Fender squire with built in amp and more importantly the Washburn Oscar Schmidt archtop Delta Blues guitat. Versatile, vintage, and way affordable The Oscar Schmidt Delta King OE30 is a 335 style Semi-Hollow Electric Guitar that is a tremendous value for a guitar. I wanted a semi-hollow body electric without paying major manufacturer prices. My above values are from a 2014 price guide, and are in no means to set an absolute value on each individual guitar. I purchased this guitar from Musicians Friend online for $169. I have played on just about every major brand guitar made at one time or another. I play as a hobbyist at present owning 6 guitars at present and 12 over my lifetime. I am a 20 year Amateur guitarist that has gigged for several years with a classic rock band from 1989 thru 1991.